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The International Mission

Dernière mise à jour : 31 déc. 2023

Moshiach arrives !

Let's be ready to welcome him !

An action of goodness and kindness can change a day, a life, the World...

Speech by Rabbi King Mashia'h in 1989 at the International Congress of his Emissaries in every part of the World. So topical.

1- You will establish tribes

with a fair system of justice

2- Thou shalt respect G-d

Thou shalt not blaspheme

3- Thou shalt believe in one God

Thou shalt reject all forms of idolatry

4- Thou shalt not have immoral relationships

Thou shalt not commit any form of adultery or incest

5- Thou shalt preserve human life

Thou shalt not kill

6- Thou shalt respect the property of others

Thou shalt not steal

7- Thou shalt respect God's creatures

Thou shalt not eat the flesh of a living animal.

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